The Rising Influence of the Hispanic Vote: A Growing Force Shaping America’s Elections
  Whether you are celebrating or mourning the results of Tuesday’s election, one thing is for certain. The Hispanic vote continues to be an ever-increasing driving force influencing final election outcomes.  There’s Strength in Numbers Accordin...
Californianos Quieren más Seguridad: Aprueban Prop 36 para Endurecer Sentencias
Los californianos apoyaron abrumadoramente la Propuesta 36 para alargar las sentencias penales por ciertos delitos de robo y drogas, y para dirigir a más personas a tratamientos contra las drogas después de las condenas. Las opiniones de los votant...
La Influencia del Voto Hispano: Fuerza Creciente que Moldea las Elecciones Estadounidenses
  Tanto si estás celebrando como lamentando los resultados de las elecciones del pasado martes, una cosa es segura: el voto hispano sigue siendo una fuerza impulsora con una influencia cada vez mayor en los resultados finales de las elecciones.  ...
Latinos’ Views of and Experiences with the Spanish Language
Over half of U.S. Latinos who do not speak Spanish have been shamed by other Latinos for it. Language plays a foundational role in shaping human experience, connecting people to their heritage and offering a sense of pride. However, for many U.S. ...
Perspectivas y Experiencias de los Latinos sobre el Idioma Español
Si bien la mayoría de los latinos en EE.UU. hablan español, no todos lo hacen. El 24 por ciento de todos los adultos latinos dicen que solo pueden mantener un poco o nada una conversación en español.   Más de la mitad de los latinos en EE.UU. que...

Historias Locales

Help for homebuyers in East Bay

01 December 2012 Visión Hispana Print Email

Wells Fargo offers $5 Million for down payment assistance to homebuyers in East Bay ---

Wells Fargo bank recently announced $5 million in down payment assistance grants for homebuyers in nine cities in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. In coordination with the Unity Council, CityLIFTSM is new initiative to boost homeownership in the East Bay cities of Oakland, Fremont, Hayward, Concord, Antioch, Pittsburg, Richmond, Brentwood and Bay Point. The program is designed to provide prospective homebuyers with an opportunity to see if they qualify for down payment assistance of $20,000.

Ayuda para compradores de casa en el Este de la Bahía

01 December 2012 Visión Hispana Print Email
 El programa CityLIFT de Wells Fargo ayuda con subvenciones de $20,000 para el pago de enganche de quienes compran una casa por primera vez. El programa se pondrá en marcha en nueve ciudades del Este de la Bahía.
Wells Fargo ofrece $5 millones en asistencia para pago de enganche a compradores de casa en el Este de la Bahía ---  

El banco Wells Fargo recientemente anunció que ofrecerá $5 millones de dólares de ayuda en subvenciones para el pago inicial a los compradores de casa elegibles en nueve ciudades en los condados de Alameda y Contra Costa. En coordinación con el Unity Council, CityLIFT es una nueva iniciativa para incrementar el número de personas que son dueños de casa en nueve ciudades del Este de la Bahía,

Diabetes: A disaster on both sides of border

01 December 2012 Visión Hispana Print Email

Obesity, once a mark of wealth in transitional economies such as Mexico, is now a major threat to the nation’s health and public health budgets.

Adult obesity: USA #1
Child obesity: Mexico #1
Diabetes: A disaster on both sides of border ----  

The connection between obesity and diabetes is being reinforced by new statistics that represent an epidemic in the United States and Mexico. Health officials are warning of a public health crisis from diabetes-related disease in Mexico, where a fifth of all women and more than a quarter of men are at risk for diabetes today.

Project EAT: A different green revolution

10 November 2012 Visión Hispana Print Email
Project EAT (Educate, Act, Thrive) collaborates with school communities through meaningful experiences to inspire behavioral changes that improve health, wellness, and academic success.

Getting kids to eat more vegetables sounds like mission impossible. Getting kids to grow their own food and enjoy cooking and eating greens and other vegetables sounds like a dream - but it is happening at 33 middle and high schools in the East Bay. Addressing obesity and unhealthy lifestyles among young people is a priority for government and non-government agencies. One-third of school age children in California are overweight or at risk of being overweight. Hispanic kids are more likely than other groups to be overweight.