Chris Zapata is on a mission. Appointed earlier this year as City Manager for San Leandro, he is the top administrator for the city government and likely the top promoter of the city as a place for business. Though responsible for implementing city policies, enforcing laws and regulations, supervising departments, and preparing the annual City budget, it is the city’s big projects that Zapata focuses on during his conversation with Vision Hispana.
Historias Locales
Chris Zapata is on a mission. Appointed earlier this year as City Manager for San Leandro, he is the top administrator for the city government and likely the top promoter of the city as a place for business. Though responsible for implementing city policies, enforcing laws and regulations, supervising departments, and preparing the annual City budget, it is the city’s big projects that Zapata focuses on during his conversation with Vision Hispana.
El costo financiero y comunitario del grafiti ---
El año pasado, la Ciudad de Hayward gastó casi un millón de dólares limpiando el grafiti de los espacios públicos en la ciudad.
“Tenemos un serio problema con el grafiti en Hayward”, escribió el miembro del concilio de Hayward Mark Salinas en una reciente carta por email a los residentes.
“Cuando la gente pinta ilegalmente con aerosol señas y figuras en las calles públicas, banquetas, y letreros todos tenemos que pagar”, agregó.
The financial and community cost of graffiti ---
“We have a serious graffiti problem in Hayward,” wrote Hayward city council member Mark Salinas in a recent email letter to residents.
“When people illegally spray paint tags and monikers on public streets, sidewalks, and signs we all have to pay,” he added. “Can you imagine what we could have done with an additional one million dollars for our city?”
Se recomienda a los viajeros planear sus viajes con anticipación usando las herramientas y servicios disponibles a través de 511 durante el cierre del puente Dumbarton el próximo fin de semana del día del trabajo. Como servicio premier de información al viajero, 511 ofrece información de tráfico predecible y al minuto, herramientas para planear su viaje en transporte público y horarios de salida al minuto, información sobre estacionamiento y recursos para los ciclistas.