Job figures from state and city sources show that job growth in the East Bay continues at a healthy rate, especially in industries that employ many Hispanic workers.
Job figures from state and city sources show that job growth in the East Bay continues at a healthy rate, especially in industries that employ many Hispanic workers.
Latinas continue to drive small business creation and the rise in levels of educational attainment has escalated buying power, higher income, and reduced poverty. A new report on the "Economic Status of Latinas" found that the number of Latina-owned businesses in California increased 111 percent since 2007.
Las latinas continúan impulsando la creación de pequeñas empresas y el aumento en los niveles de logro educativo ha incrementado el poder adquisitivo, mayores ingresos y reducción de la pobreza. Un nuevo informe sobre la "Situación Económica de las Latinas" reveló que el número de negocios propiedad de latinas en California aumentó 111 por ciento desde 2007.
There’s a great opportunity in the oil, natural gas, and petrochemical industries for Latinos, but that segment of the population need to step up and apply for those jobs that could pay them family-sustaining wages and more, officials within the industry said.
La compañía de limpieza Lotus, pionera en servicios de limpieza ‘verdes’ amigables con el medio ambiente, ha provisto de servicios de limpieza a oficinas y casas a casi todas las ciudades del Área de la Bahía desde 2006. Julio Leiva, dueño de la compañía recientemente fue anfitrión de un evento privado para sus empleados y sus familias a fin de celebrar una década de éxito y cuidado del planeta, clientes y empleados.
Lotus cleaning, a pioneer of environmentally friendly green house cleaning services, has provided Certified Green house and office cleaning services to most Bay Area cities since 2006. Owner Julio Leiva recently hosted a private event for his employees and families to celebrate a decade of success and caring for the planet, clients and employees.