Green energy, green homes, green jobs, green living – today’s world is filled with green options and aspirations based on values of sustainability and whatever is best for our planet. Along the spectrum of all things green, there are serious products, programs and methods as well as those that are more symbolic of green values. Every consumer makes their own choices about environmentally-friendly products and services
Viajes / Travel
Green energy, green homes, green jobs, green living – today’s world is filled with green options and aspirations based on values of sustainability and whatever is best for our planet. Along the spectrum of all things green, there are serious products, programs and methods as well as those that are more symbolic of green values. Every consumer makes their own choices about environmentally-friendly products and services
Hace una semana salió el primer vuelo del Aeropuerto Internacional de Oakland a dos destinos populares en la Riviera Mexicana, Puerto Vallarta y Los Cabos. La aerolínea Southwest ofrecerá vuelos directos diarios hacia estos dos destinos populares.
Riding the smart travel trend between California and Europe ---
It’s a great time to be a traveler and smart travelers are being rewarded in many ways for their pursuit of quality and value. Like any smart consumer, smart travelers are not simply focused on the lowest cost options for hotels, flights, dining, etc. – they want quality of product and experience, and they’re not interested in paying for unnecessary frills or extras. They are value seekers, not price shoppers. And they are open to brands and destinations that are new, non-traditional or unfamiliar. Finally, smart travelers are not held hostage by dramatic and distorted reporting of terrorism, viruses, or economic doom. In fact, they know that the best time to travel is when the crowds are traveling less due to various fears or seasonal habits.Tomando la tendencia de viajes inteligentes entre California y Europa ---
Es un gran momento para viajar y los viajeros inteligentes están siendo recompensados de muchas maneras en su búsqueda de calidad y valor. Como cualquier consumidor inteligente, los viajeros inteligentes no se enfocan simplemente en las opciones de menor costo al buscar hoteles, vuelos, restaurantes, etc. – ellos quieren calidad en el producto y en la experiencia y no están interesados en pagar lujos innecesarios o extras. Son buscadores de valor, no compradores de precios. Y están abiertos a las marcas y destinos que son nuevos, no tradicionales o poco familiares.