The Rising Influence of the Hispanic Vote: A Growing Force Shaping America’s Elections
  Whether you are celebrating or mourning the results of Tuesday’s election, one thing is for certain. The Hispanic vote continues to be an ever-increasing driving force influencing final election outcomes.  There’s Strength in Numbers Accordin...
Californianos Quieren más Seguridad: Aprueban Prop 36 para Endurecer Sentencias
Los californianos apoyaron abrumadoramente la Propuesta 36 para alargar las sentencias penales por ciertos delitos de robo y drogas, y para dirigir a más personas a tratamientos contra las drogas después de las condenas. Las opiniones de los votant...
La Influencia del Voto Hispano: Fuerza Creciente que Moldea las Elecciones Estadounidenses
  Tanto si estás celebrando como lamentando los resultados de las elecciones del pasado martes, una cosa es segura: el voto hispano sigue siendo una fuerza impulsora con una influencia cada vez mayor en los resultados finales de las elecciones.  ...
Latinos’ Views of and Experiences with the Spanish Language
Over half of U.S. Latinos who do not speak Spanish have been shamed by other Latinos for it. Language plays a foundational role in shaping human experience, connecting people to their heritage and offering a sense of pride. However, for many U.S. ...
Perspectivas y Experiencias de los Latinos sobre el Idioma Español
Si bien la mayoría de los latinos en EE.UU. hablan español, no todos lo hacen. El 24 por ciento de todos los adultos latinos dicen que solo pueden mantener un poco o nada una conversación en español.   Más de la mitad de los latinos en EE.UU. que...

Newspapers reach 71 percent of adult consumers

23 October 2010 elena Print Email

More than 71 percent of adults, or 165.6 million people, read a newspaper in print or online in the last week, according to new data from Scarborough Research.  The company examined newspaper readership as part of its USA+ Study (Release 1, 2010), a survey of more than 210,000 adults that captures media patterns and other consumer behaviors of adults across the country.

In addition, the data indicates that newspapers continue to attract consumers with buying power, with 80 percent of adults in households earning $100,000 or more reading a newspaper in print or online each week. Newspapers continue to attract highly educated consumers who are ready to shop and spend.  In an average week:

•    85 percent of adults who have done post-graduate work or who have advanced degrees read a print newspaper or visited a newspaper website

•    81 percent of women in a management or professional position with a household income of $100,000 a year or more read a newspaper in print or online; 73 percent read the print product

•    Full-time working women who shop read newspapers in large numbers.  A high percentage of those who bought at the following stores in the last 30 days read a newspaper in print or online last week: JC Penney (75 percent); Macy's (77 percent); Nieman Marcus (76 percent); Nordstrom (78 percent); Kohl's (76 percent); Target (75 percent); TJ Maxx (76 percent); Wal-Mart (74 percent)