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Faith vs fear

06 March 2010 Dr. Napoleon Hill Print Email

FEAR is faith in reverse gear. Fear is a negative belief in something, and belief is the very foundation of faith.

Faith is a positive mental attitude in action.

Your mental attitude is the sum total of your thoughts at any given time.

A positive mental attitude has its roots in the spiritual wells of one’s soul. And it is the medium by which adversities may be transmuted into benefits.

Your achievements are limited only by your mental attitude, for it is true that your only real limitations are those which you set up in your own mind.

Keep your mental attitude RIGHT and your future will always be BRIGHT. Success goes to the person whose mental attitude is such that he expects success. And health, wealth, happiness are products of a positive mental attitude.

Your mental attitude, whether it be positive or negative, weaves into your character every thread of your thoughts.

Remember that our strength grows out of our struggles, and we are no bigger than the circumstances which we permit to frighten or worry us.

Faith is a state of mind which has been called “the mainspring of the soul,” through which your aims, desires and plans may be translated into their physical equivalents.

Besides a positive mental attitude, free from negatives such as envy, hatred, jealousy and fear, applied faith has other fundamentals.

To create a mental attitude favorable for the expression of applied faith, follow these instructions:

1. Know what you want and determine what you will give in return for it.
2. When you affirm the object of your prayers, let your imagination see yourself already in possession of it.
3. Keep your mind open for guidance from within, and when you are inspired by “hunches”—take heed of them immediately, for they may bring you the answer you seek.
4. When you are overtaken by defeat, as you may be many times, remember that man’s faith is often tested in many ways, and defeat may be only your testing time; therefore, accept defeat only as an inspiration for greater effort.

There is no such reality as a “blanket” faith. You must have a definite objective, purpose, or desire before you can enjoy the benefits of applied faith. Faith is guidance from within which will not bring you that which you seek, but it will show you the path by which you may go after that which you desire.

Source: Success Unlimited, May 1955, pp. 20-21.