Notice to Bidders: Annual Sidewalk Repair Program

17 August 2023 Visión Hispana
aviso publico notice to bidders requerimiento de propuesta


PROJECT NO.  2023.0060
BID NO. 23-24.005

  1. BID OPENING: The bidder shall complete the “Proposal to the City of San Leandro” form contained in the Contract Book.  The proposal shall be submitted in its entirety. Incomplete proposals will be considered non-responsive. Sealed bids containing the completed Proposal Section subject to the conditions named herein and in the specifications for ANNUAL SIDEWALK REPAIR PROGRAM 2023-24 addressed to the City of San Leandro will be received at City Hall, 835 East 14th Street, 2nd Floor San Leandro at the office of the City Clerk at up to 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 14, 2023, at which time they will be publicly opened and read.

  2. WORK DESCRIPTION: The work to be done consists of removal and replacement of concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, and construction of curb ramps, and doing all appurtenant work in place and ready for use, all as shown on the plans and described in the specifications with the title indicated in Paragraph 1 above, and on file in the office of the City Engineer.  Reference to said plans and specifications is hereby made for further particulars.

  3. OBTAINING THE PROJECT PLANS AND CONTRACT BOOK: The project plans and Contract Book may be obtained free of charge from the City’s website at:  Bidders who download the plans are encouraged to contact the City of San Leandro Engineering and Transportation Department at 510-577-3428 to be placed on the project planholder’s list to receive courtesy notifications of addenda and other project information.  Project addenda, if any, will be posted on the website.  A bidder who fails to address all project addenda in its proposal may be deemed non-responsive.

    Bidders may also purchase the Project Plans and Contract Book from East Bay Blueprint & Supply Co., at 1745 14th Street, Oakland, CA 94606; Phone Number:  (510) 261-2990 or email:  

  4. PRE-BID CONFERENCE: All bidders are strongly encouraged to attend mandatory one of two virtual pre-bid conference and sign the attendance sheet.  Pre-bid conferences will be held as follows:
    Pre-bid meetings will be held via zoom. Pre-bid conferences will be held for this project as follows:

5. SAN LEANDRO BUSINESS PREFERENCE AND PARTICIPATION GOALS: The work performed under this contract is subject to Section 1-6-225 of the San Leandro Municipal Code regarding local business preference and participation.  A list of companies that hold a San Leandro business license is located on the City webpage under the finance department, here:

6. SAN LEANDRO COMMUNITY WORKFORCE AGREEMENT: The work performed under this contract is not subject to the Community Workforce Agreement adopted by City Council Resolution 2015-104.  Contractors attention is directed to Section 10. 


Dated: August 18, 2023              Kelly B. Clancy_____
                                                   City Clerk